anton luka šijanec
Tu mi lahko na hitro napišeš karkoli:
resnični svet
spodaj je seznam dogodkov doma in po svetu, ki se mi zdijo vredni obiska. na nekaterih se mogoče celo pojavim. odpri lep HTML koledar , ical povezava za naročnino
za seznam dogodkov potrebujete javascript
... nalagam ...
ure so navedene v lokalnem času. 00:00 najverjetneje pomeni, da mi ura ni znana. če se kje dogaja kaj zanimivega, mi pišite, da dodam dogodek .
deskanje po spletu
zanimivi citati
uporabno vrednost? hahahahaha! zelo si duhovita, pa se tega sploh ne zavedaš.
Cats indeed are very silly, but what could be sillier than to forget artistry for the sake of it's own consumption?
Drevo dejansko ponud senco še tistmu, k ga je pršou posekat.
FIRE CHIEF: All the same, there's an occasional asphyxiation by gas, but that's unusual too. For instance, a young woman asphyxiated herself last week—she had left the gas on. MRS. MARTIN: Had she forgotten it? FIRE CHIEF: No, but she thought it was her comb. MR. SMITH: These confusions are always dangerous!
In a world without walls and fences, who needs Windows and Gates?
Če združimo človeka, ki je počasen, zmotljiv in pameten, z računalnikom, ki je hiter, natančen, a neumen, dobimo nekaj, kar je počasno, zmotljivo in neumno. -- Fürstovo prvo predavanje
[I]t seems that the role of "editor" is becoming a lost art. As the saying goes, why do I need an editor if eye halve the spelling check her that came with my pea sea?
Vojska je neumna stvar, je treba ubijat na znak.
If we hadn't have made blue boxes, there would have been no Apple.
Teoria sine praxis, rota sine axis.
To drive a car is to acknowledge that you are alive in the most viscerally abundant manner possible, by coming closer to death than you do in nearly any other point in your life.
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vim: noai:nocin:nosi:inde=